ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
What causes an ORA-00600 error?
This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. Causes of this message include:
file corruption
failed data checks in memory
hardware, memory, or I/O errors
incorrectly restored files
The first argument is the internal message number. Other arguments are various numbers, names, and character strings. The numbers may change meanings between different versions of Oracle.
How Xynomix can help
Report this error to Oracle Support Services after gathering the following information:
events that led up to the error
the operations that were attempted that led to the error
the conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error
any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving the ORA-00600 message
contents of any trace files generated by the error
the relevant portions of the Alter files
Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.
Contact us for more information. To learn more about ways we can support your database visit our Oracle database consultancy page.
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