Operating System error 112

Error ID: Operating System error 112

Error Message:

“Operating system error 112 (error not found) encountered.”

“Operating system error 112 (There is not enough space on the disk).”


This occurs when there is a lack of disk space on the target server.  For example a backup may fail because there’s not enough space to accommodate it, or increasing the size of a file may fail for the same reason.


The disk involved will need to be reviewed to determine if a) space can be freed up by removing existing content, or b) extra capacity needs to be added to it.  Depending on the disk in use, it may not be possible to free up space meaning the only option is to extend the capacity.  However, it can sometimes be the case that erroneous files have been placed on the disk that should reside elsewhere and can therefore be moved to free up space.

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