ORA-00936 missing expression What causes an ORA-00936 error? A required part of a clause or expression has been omitted. For example, a SELECT statement may have been entered without a … Read more
ORA-00934 group function is not allowed here What causes an ORA-00934 error? One of the group functions, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV, or VARIANCE, was used in … Read more
ORA-00933 SQL command not properly ended What causes an ORA-00933 error? The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause may have been included in … Read more
ORA-00932 inconsistent datatypes: expected string got string What causes an ORA-00932 error? One of the following: An attempt was made to perform an operation on incompatible datatypes. For example, adding … Read more
ORA-00928 missing SELECT keyword What causes an ORA-00928 error? A SELECT subquery must be included in a CREATE VIEW statement. How Xynomix can help Correct the syntax. Insert the required … Read more
ORA-00927 missing equal sign What causes an ORA-00927 error? An equal sign has been omitted in one of the following places: Cause: In the SET clause of an UPDATE statementFollowing … Read more
ORA-00926 missing VALUES keyword What causes an ORA-00926 error? An INSERT statement has been entered without the keyword VALUES or SELECT. Either a VALUES clause or a SELECT subquery must … Read more
ORA-00925 missing INTO keyword What causes an ORA-00925 error? An INSERT statement has been entered without the keyword INTO. How Xynomix can help Correct the syntax. Insert the keyword INTO … Read more
ORA-00923 FROM keyword not found where expected What causes an ORA-00923 error? In a SELECT or REVOKE statement, the keyword FROM was either missing, misplaced, or misspelled. The keyword FROM … Read more
ORA-00922 missing or invalid option What causes an ORA-00922 error? An invalid option was specified in defining a column or storage clause. The valid option in specifying a column is … Read more