Xynomix Presents


Ensuring business continuity with Oracle database technology

TUESDAY 23RD APRIL | 09:00-12:30

Oracle, 1 South Place, London, EC2M 2RB
Managed Database Service vs Internal DBA Shield on Server

Attend our joint webinar

Learn how new Oracle 23ai features simplify database management, with Oracle, Dbvisit & Xynomix

Thursday 11th July  |  10:00-11:00 (BST)


Why attend?

   Experienced speakers from Oracle, Dbvisit & Xynomix
   Discover new features in Oracle database version 23ai
   Explore the benefits of Full Stack Disaster Recovery (FSDR) in OCI
   Find out how to deploy FSDR on Oracle Standard Edition with Dbvisit
   Learn how database resilience can ensure business continuity
   Opportunities to ask questions with leading industry experts


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    Learn from expert speakers

    Having been at Oracle for 35 years, John is a vastly experienced Senior Principal Consultant, with a demonstrated history of assisting businesses of all sizes in achieving resilience through the implementation of best practice database architecture and contingency.

    Jan Klinke - Dbvisit

    Jan is an expert technical consultant in disaster recovery. With astute understanding of the importance of back ups, recovery and testing, Jan is ideally placed to advise solutions to ensure your business has continuous database protection.

    With over two decades of technical experience in Oracle database architecture, Richard is extremely well-versed in devising robust strategies and solutions that enable organisational resilience and business continuity.

    Ed Mace - Xynomix

    With a wealth of experience spanning on-prem and Cloud infrastructure, Ed is passionate about delivering bespoke, commercially-viable database solutions, that represent excellent value for businesses utilising Oracle technology.

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